Top 5 Cathartic Moments in Avengers: Endgame 

  1. Captain Marvel saves Tony Stark — this was heavily alluded in the trailers so it wasn’t a big reveal. However, seeing Captain Marvel’s glow as Tony lies in helplessly in Benatar is still a relief.
  2. Captain Marvel destroys Sanctuary 2 — When Thanos tried to turn the tide against Avengers by “making it rain”, it was a brief scary moment. Then Captain Marvel swooped in and easily demolished the Sanctuary 2.
  3. Cap wields Mjolnir — this is arguably the best fan service moment in the movie. Thanos nearly killed Thor the same way Thor nearly killed him in Inifinity War. Out of nowhere, Mjolnir hits Thanos. Everyone is momentarily stumped; waiting for it to swing back. Then  Cap catches it.
  4. Iron Man stole the Infinity stones from Thanos — this was such a Starksian move. Of course he made Mark 85 able to wield the Infinity stones. Of course he reshaped his suit’s nanotech to yank the Infinity stones out of the second gauntlet. Of course he has a witty response to Thanos’ “I am inevitable.”
  5. “On your left” — Iron Man is down. Thor is down. Cap’s shield is broken and Thanos’ legion is moving in. It seemed like all hope is lost. Then Falcon’s voice crackled, “on your left”—a playful nod from Captain America: Winter Soldier—signalling that reinforcement is here. Then the orange portal appeared peripherally. Goosebump inducing.