Personal Programming Ethics has a thread about personal programming ethics. I just wrapped-up a project so this is a good exercise to recollect what are mine. Here are they:

Code quality stems from consistency
Sticking to your framework’s naming convention, following the UI guidelines, adhering to your team’s code formatting—these little things enforce clean code. Clean code is the foundation of quality code. 

Have pride in your code
Glaring bugs create an impression. Habitually overlooking them creates a bad reputation. Be competitive in seeking problems in your code. Participate in bounty hunting. It’s a huge accomplishment when you endorse a bug-free project. 

Measure twice, cut once
Endorse when it’s actually done. Avoid going back-and-forth and waisting everyone’s time. It’s part of your due diligence to understand the requirements thoroughly and implement them correctly. 

Be stoic
Suffer in silence. Solve the problem you’re supposed to solve without bellyaching about it. Everyone else is busy solving their own problem.